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Erasmus+ Project „Co-housing Greece“ held in Potsdam in 2021!

Project „Empowering communities of Greece with knowledge on sustainable practices of commoning in housing and use of space“ or shorter „Co-housing Greece“ started in Autumn 2020 and represents a joint cooperation of a Consortium of Greek associations, made by Communitism (Athens), Housing network of Greece (Athens) and Ethos (Thessaloniki), and INWOLE (Potsdam). This was our first joint project in the frame of Erasmus+ Program, in which Greek Consortium acted as a sending organization, and INWOLE as a receiving (host) organization.

Due to postponement in regard to Covid-19 Pandemic we were limited only to digital forms of cooperation. Until the summer of 2021 at least, when we finally had a chance to implement our project activities! From end of August until Middle of October INWOLE was hosting 12 participants in the frame of mobility program with structured courses, as well as 3 job-shadowings. And 3 more job-shadowings are already scheduled for January 2022!

Goals of our project are linked to the development of our knowledge and capacity in relation to sustainable practices of commoning in housing and use of space, and our ability to share this knowledge and directly support active communities that explore collective use of space and co-housing solutions. To reach these goals, our primary need is to improve key competencies in relation to financing and project development, by expanding our capacity to access financial and social capital and resources that can support the sustainable development of cooperative housing projects in Greece.

Program of structured courses and job-shadowings included both theoretical inputs and practical workshops, exchanges and discussions, studying concrete examples in a form of group work, study visits to local partners in Potsdam and receiving insights in regard to their structure and working models. Participants had a opportunity to get to know and experience diverse aspects of organization of life and working activities of both Inwole and Project House Potsdam, as well as project and financial management, fundraising, group dynamics, decision-making processes etc.

This was a first time for Greek consortium to take part in Erasmus+ Program, as well as for Inwole to take the rolle of the host organization in this frame. And our experience in this regard was more than satisfying! Cooperation between partners was excellent, as well as implemented program, but participants themselves and their motivation to take part in the courses and job-shadowings was going far beyond our expectations!

Exactly because of such a positive experience we want to develop follow-up projects which would include new people, as well as to develop more specified, tailor-made mobilities for all future participants.

Project „Co-housing Greece“ is funded through Erasmus+ Program for adult education of European Union.


Inwole e.V.

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